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Barracuda Soldier System

On today’s battlefield, 机载热传感器很容易获得,可以立即探测到安全区域外未受保护的士兵. 在高度伪装的车辆或宿舍中受到保护是不够的. 没有个人伪装,一个士兵就能暴露整个部队的位置.

Key features

Versatile and customisable modular design
Reversible for day and night operations

Technical specifications  
重量 600 g/1.3 lb
大小2 x 2 m/6.5 x 6.5 ft
Packed size 30 x 15 x 15 cm/12 x 6 x 6 “
一般 Water repellent and flame retardant


A crucial asset that should be in every soldier’s gear, Barracuda士兵网是一种轻便的热网,易于使用, 无论是在露营地等待,还是在隐蔽的营地之间移动. This isn’t an expensive, highly integrated suit for use at all times, 但是,当您需要在可能暴露于传感器威胁的情况下进行保护时,一个通用且简单的解决方案就在那里. 随着高科技武器装备的日益扩散, 士兵融入背景的能力对于任务的成功至关重要,因为一支不被发现的部队将永远拥有主动权.

Soldier System
Soldier System

Versatile and customisable

Barracuda Soldier Net的多功能模块化设计使其具有高度的可定制性和适应性. 由于它的方形形状和按钮允许它安全地连接到头盔或其他网, it has a multitude of uses.

When fixed to a helmet, the net can be worn as a poncho, and thanks to its non-snagging material, the soldier can freely move around their environment. 它也可以用作营地的士兵网或与其他网连接以形成更大的保护表面.

Always there for you

在不影响机动性的情况下,士兵携带的物品数量是有限的. Barracuda Soldier Net provides the perfect solution. Lightweight and easy to transport, the net can be neatly folded away into a small, 不需要时可携带,需要时可快速获取.

Reversible design

视觉和近红外颜色颜料和图案已经发展到在一系列地形上非常有效, blending seamlessly into the background.

With a two-sided, reversible design, 梭鱼士兵网可以适应昼夜变化的条件. During day operations, 网的图案将提供宝贵的保护,防止视觉, near-infrared and thermal sensors, 而可逆的一面是完美的夜间使用,以调整增加的背景对比.

Operational advantages

  • 在高风险的情况下保护免受视觉和热检测
  • Highly customisable, modular design with many uses
  • Seamlessly blends into night and day environments
  • 重量轻,易于磨损,允许用户执行他们的职责
  • Thermal properties and low gloss

Signature Management

Signature Management is at the core of our products. 我们的技术将物体和背景之间的对比度降到最低, making sensory detection much harder. 签名管理减少了暴露和距离识别, which forces enemies to move closer in order to engage.

True multispectral

十大正规博彩网站评级的伪装解决方案提供了真正的多光谱能力,可以对抗各种传感器. These are the properties for the product:

Barracuda Academy – become a master of camouflage

现代签名管理是极少数能够打破敌人意识的破坏性技术之一. 梭鱼学院给学生一个理论和实践的理解.

Through our world-class expert-led courses, 您可以增加对现代签名管理的认识,以便:

  • Gain the tactical edge through concealment
  • Identify battlefield threats
  • Enhance survivability of your forces

Partnering with Saab

我们是签名管理中唯一完整的系统屋. 我们设计和制造一个全面的迷彩范围, Concealment and Deception solutions for soldiers, platforms and units.

所有 parts of your force, 一个在传感器密集的环境中执行任务的士兵, to a fully multispectral camouflaged operational base, 每个资产都需要最小化被检测到的概率的能力. 在十大正规博彩网站评级, 我们拥有为任何任务场景创造解决方案的悠久历史-无论多么具有挑战性.



拥有半个多世纪的签名管理经验, 十大正规博彩网站评级的高能力和专业知识应用于我们生产的每一个解决方案.

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Soldier System

Did you know...

我们的梭鱼士兵系统是一种独特的单兵多光谱伪装系统. 这里有一些关于梭鱼士兵系统的有趣的事实,你可能还不知道.

  • 在高风险的情况下保护免受视觉和热检测
  • Highly customisable, modular design with many uses
  • Seamlessly blends into night and day environments

联系 us

Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Johan Stjernfeldt
Head of Marketing & 销售

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