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Barracuda Camouflage Marine Solution

Whether on land or at sea, the threat of detection from advanced enemy sensors is ever-present. Barracuda’s Camouflage Marine Solution unites the superior capabilities of our proven MCS and ULCAS into one powerful offering for small surface vessels.

Multispectral protection for marine operations

The life of a soldier is fraught with danger, risk and uncertainty, but one thing soldiers should always be certain of is the effectiveness of their camouflage systems. Barracuda’s Camouflage Marine Solution has been uniquely designed to offer complete confidence to soldiers operating from the water, 无论是以惊人的速度破浪,还是停泊在海岸线上. Comprised of interlocking, 完全可定制的面板和先进的多光谱伪装网, this innovative solution delivers unrelenting protection from state-of-the-art enemy sensors in times when uncertainty could mean defeat.

Operational advantages

  • Multispectral protection
  • Reduces detection by up to 90 percent
  • Telescopic support poles
  • Ultra-lightweight design
  • Rapid deployment

Signature Management

Signature Management is at the core of our products. 我们的技术将物体和背景之间的对比度降到最低, making sensory detection much harder. 签名管理减少了暴露和距离识别, which forces enemies to move closer in order to engage.

True multispectral

Saab's camouflage solutions offers true multispectral capabilities against a wide range of sensor. These are the properties for the product:

With Camouflage panels installed
With camouflage net fully deployed

Customise without compromise

Thanks to its modular and highly customisable design, Barracuda’s Camouflage Marine Solution’s interlocking panels can completely encase the visible surfaces of any small surface vessel, 不损害功能或需要修改车辆. This ensures soldiers have all the freedom, manoeuvrability and control they’ve come to expect, 由于所提供的出色的多光谱特性,使您更加安心.

Conceal your advantage 

今天的军事行动需要能够无缝融入任何战场的迷彩. The solution’s quick-to-deploy and colour-adaptable multispectral net can emulate the near-infrared 反射 of its surroundings. Secured to the boat via a metal frame, and with the option to be fixed to the ground via a combination of ropes and aluminium or steel stakes, the net can mimic any environment, 从贫瘠的岩石覆盖的海岸线到郁郁葱葱的绿色植被覆盖的地区. 可伸缩的支撑杆也可以用来改变网的轮廓, 增强整体效果,导致更大程度的欺骗.

Barracuda Academy – become a master of camouflage

Modern signature management is one of the very few disruptive technologies that can break an enemy’s awareness. 梭鱼学院给学生一个理论和实践的理解.

Through our world-class expert-led courses, 您可以增加对现代签名管理的认识,以便:

  • Gain the tactical edge through concealment
  • Identify battlefield threats
  • Enhance survivability of your forces

Partnering with Saab

我们是签名管理中唯一完整的系统屋. 我们设计和制造一个全面的迷彩范围, Concealment and Deception solutions for soldiers, platforms and units.

所有 parts of your force, 一个在传感器密集的环境中执行任务的士兵, to a fully multispectral camouflaged operational base, 每个资产都需要最小化被检测到的概率的能力. 在十大正规博彩网站评级, we have a long history of creating solutions for any mission scenario – no matter how challenging.


Engineering services – specialists on all sensor threats

With over half a century’s signature management experience, 十大正规博彩网站评级的高能力和专业知识应用于我们生产的每一个解决方案.

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Why signature analysis is crucial for combat survival

你知道你的坦克和运兵车是什么样子的. 但是你的对手使用的先进传感器是怎么看的呢? Analysing the electromagnetic signature of your deployed assets can help you improve camouflage, delivering a major tactical advantage.

Why signature analysis is crucial for combat survival

The importance of deception in modern conflicts

With the world in a state of flux, 对于军队来说,能够欺骗和迷惑敌人从来没有像现在这样重要过. 虽然传感器技术的爆炸式发展带来了挑战, 高科技伪装解决方案可以帮助你实现战术优势.

The importance of deception in modern conflicts


Ca'nt find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Johan Stjernfeldt
Head of Marketing & 销售


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