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Ground Combat Indoor Trainer

Ground Combat Indoor Trainer

To shape the best troops, training needs to be as realistic as possible. 我们的地面战斗室内教练结合忠实的复制武器与接近现实生活的虚拟环境.

Key Features

Highly realistic and accurate training
A modular and scalable system
Covers a whole host of replica weapons

Shape tomorrow’s troops, today

Modular and scalable, 我们的地面战斗室内教练机(GC IDT)的多种配置涵盖了丰富多样的武器, including realistic small arms, support and anti-tank weapons.

Ground Combat Indoor Trainer (GC IDT)

Highly realistic and durable replica weapons, 逼真的虚拟武器模拟器和令人难以置信的精度相结合,进一步加强你的部队.

Various types of training

Ground Combat Indoor Trainer
Ground Combat Indoor Trainer
GC IDT支持枪法,初始战斗,战斗和判断训练. For all of these, feedback is instant.

For skills training that focuses on procedural memory, 执行重复训练并设置影响变量以优化学习. 通过在决策和战斗训练中加入程序性和陈述性记忆, decisions can be corrected directly, 一个决定的结果可以被衡量,并与另一个选择的结果进行比较.

Realistic target reactions

在GC IDT中,人和车辆有不同的目标区域,受到不同程度的保护和反应. 这样,决策就包含了最初的目标点和关于重新投入的选择.

Saab OEM trainers

Ground Combat Indoor Trainer

We offer OEM trainers for Carl-Gustaf®, AT4 and NLAW. 它们与客户的配置完全相关,包括瞄准具和弹药的类型.




复制品中的传感器监控武器状态,提供武器状态. 性能评估评估给出了射击前和射击过程中炮手武器操作的详细视图. The result is a scoring based on several user defined parameters. 

Light conditions and visibility

亮度和能见度是由天体的位置决定的, clouds, precipitation and particles, such as smoke. All of this is instructor-controlled. 动态照明创建逼真的效果,如漂移照明,包括阴影.

Contact us

Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Hans Lindgren
Head of Business Development

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