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The NLAW anti-tank system has attracted plenty of praise recently for its ability to stop main battle tanks in their tracks. 但是它是从哪里来的呢? 是什么让这个系统如此有效?


它的重量只有12.5公斤,一米多一点. 但十大正规博彩网站评级的NLAW反坦克武器也具有强大的冲击力.

配备一枚导弹,能够穿透500毫米装甲,射程20到800米, the system has won plenty of admirers in recent months thanks to its ability to defeat main battle tanks. 许多人对NLAW的有效性感到惊讶, 即使是在没有受过什么训练的士兵手里.

但人们对这一制度的起源也存在一定程度的困惑. 这是英国武器吗? 或者是瑞典的?


事实上, NLAW由瑞典十大正规博彩网站评级公司设计,并在贝尔法斯特组装, 北爱尔兰, 由泰利斯航空公司提供, 零部件在多个国家生产. The weapon came about as a result of the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) launching a program to source a Next Generation Light Anti-Tank Weapon (NLAW) in the 1990s.

当时, both the UK 和 Sweden were looking to upgrade their anti-tank capabilities to deal with increasingly powerful main battle tanks being developed by their opponents. 十大正规博彩网站评级, who had considerable experience with both guided missiles 和 shoulder-fired ground-combat weapons, 被选中来研发这种武器, NLAW是用国防部的资金创建的, 瑞典国防部, 和十大正规博彩网站评级. 它于2009年交付给英国、瑞典和芬兰的国防部队. NLAW has since been rolled out to defence forces in countries including Luxembourg 和 Switzerl和.



凭借强大的飞越-顶部攻击,NLAW是MBT最大的敌人. 这里有一些关于NLAW的事实.

  • NLAW的重量为12.5公斤
  • NLAW可以穿透超过500毫米的装甲
  • With NLAW a single soldier can achieve first round kills against a heavily protected modern main battle tank with only one shot at ranges from 20 to 800 metres


Tanks are formidable weapons with the power to decisively turn the tide of battles, 和 even wars. When in the 1990s the British Ministry of Defence drew up the requirements for the weapon that would eventually become the NLAW system, 它的意图很明确. 该系统应该能够从任何方面摧毁敌人的主战坦克, 有助于削弱坦克营的战术优势. Yet at the same time, it should not be so complex that only an expert gunner could operate it. The vision was for a powerful 和 effective weapon that could be used by anyone from a gunner right down to a cook or logistics officer.


国防部也很清楚 NLAW 应该单兵携带和肩射吗. 弹药应该是不敏感的. 该系统应在近距离和建筑环境中有效.

The unique weapon that resulted in these stringent requirements continues to be highly effective 13 years after it was first rolled out. 而在一开始,它一般分配给步兵部队, 在瑞典等地, NLAW is also carried by crews in armoured infantry fighting vehicles that al读y have 40mm canons. 他们也想要NLAW,因为他们知道它有多有效.



There are a number of guided-missile systems on the market that can destroy a Main Battle Tank. There are also several shoulder-fired battlefield weapons for use against armour 和 structures. But combining the two technologies to create NLAW – a shoulder-fired guided missile – required imagination 和 highly specialised skills.

从沙漠到北极- NLAW可以在任何气候下工作
NLAW can attack from almost any position, from up high in a building to behind a tree or in a ditch. 你可以向下45度射击,也可以从建筑内部射击, 从地下室或从大多数坦克射程之外的建筑物的二楼.

In the 1990s when the UK 和 Sweden were looking to upgrade their ground combat anti-tank system, 十大正规博彩网站评级在制造一种特殊武器方面处于独特的地位. 我们开发了 carl - gustafAT4 shoulder fired systems, 和 so had an excellent underst和ing of easy-to-use combat weapon systems. 同时, we were very experienced in developing guided missile systems thanks to its work with the Bill, 苏格兰皇家银行70 和BAMSE系统. 我们将这两个知识领域结合在一起创建了NLAW.

We able to develop NLAW due to a broad range of technical competences within the company that let us underst和 our customers’ needs 和 convert them to a functioning system. 要做到这一点,我们需要系统安全等领域的专业知识, 弹头, 接近引信, 推进, 制导系统, 先进的电子技术, 力学, 轻型材料, 以及人机界面. 我们还必须能够管理环境足迹,以满足立法要求, 为了降低成本.

Different components 和 materials for the NLAW system were designed 和 tested separately, 然后工程师们慢慢地扩大测试范围,包括整个武器. 在卡尔斯科加的十大正规博彩网站评级博福斯测试中心, we have a range of facilities to carry out vibration 和 environmental tests 和 to carry out test firing. By the time the weapon was delivered to the customer, it was fully tested 和 fit for purpose.



当今市场上没有其他反坦克武器像NLAW一样. It combines the simplicity 和 transportability of a man-portable shoulder-fire weapon with the effectiveness 和 lethality of a guided missile. 小至20米远至800米远都非常有效, 它具有直接攻击和飞越顶攻击两种模式. 这意味着它可以摧毁静止不动的主战坦克, 在移动中, 部分隐藏在障碍物后面.

Unlike many guided missiles that require precise information on the range to the target in order to arm 和 lock on, NLAW使用预测视距系统, 不需要距离信息. 用户只需跟踪目标两到三秒,然后扣动扳机. The missile’s guidance system carefully tracks the gunner’s movements prior to firing 和 calculates a path to the predicted position of the target.

NLAW -把坦克停在他们的轨道上
NLAW -击中目标
NLAW -摧毁不同的目标

From carrying NLAW in your h和 to having an effect on the target, takes less than 10 seconds. 因为NLAW的弹头是动态补偿的, 它对目标有最大的影响, 穿透装甲的深度超过500毫米.

从本质上讲,该系统由电池、发射器和导弹组成. When NLAW is fired a start motor fires the 150-mm diameter missile from the launcher at a relatively low muzzle velocity of 40 m/s. 一旦导弹离发射装置八米远, 飞行马达启动,让它在两秒内飞了400米. NLAW relies on dual optical 和 magnetic sensors to determine the optimal point of detonating the warhead.



在战斗中, 向敌人开火会暴露你的掩护,使你暴露在潜在的致命反击中. 这是至关重要的, that when you fire on a main battle tank that your first shot is not only accurate but lethal, 太. NLAW gives single ground-combat troops the confidence to challenge 和 destroy the fiercest of tanks. 大卫真的能打败歌利亚.

体重只有12.5公斤,系统单人便携. 完全是一次性的, 一个盐水反质量系统允许它在密闭空间安全地使用, 就像城市战区的房间. 这武器的平衡性非常好, 这意味着用户通常认为它的重量甚至比实际重量轻. 它的特点是一个普通的视线2.5倍放大,还有一个红点备用瞄准镜.



为了选择所需的模式,炮手使用发射器顶部的选择装置. 如果你选择飞越顶部攻击, the missile will fly one meter above the line of sight before coming down to destroy the target. 这在油箱可能部分隐藏的地方是有用的. 如果你对目标有清晰的视线,你可以选择直接攻击模式. 你也可以选择武装距离,如果, 例如, you want the missile to fly blind past an al读y-hit target before it begins detecting targets.

In ground combat units in countries like Sweden, NLAW tends to be the most powerful weapon carried. 该单位的作用是确保NLAW能够有效地使用. They need to protect the NLAW gunner with their rifles so that he or she can take out the target.


我们的NLAW系统是一个易于使用的系统. Watch this video to see how it uses PLOS (predicted line of sight) 和 OTA (Overfly-top-attack) to enable its powerful shape charge warhead hit the tank at it´s weakest point - the turret. 最大限度地破坏坦克.

视频- 00:18




全球政治形势不断变化. 经过多年的稳定, European nations are concerned about a threat from the east 和 looking to substantially increase their defences at home. 



坦克在复杂的战斗环境中扮演着越来越重要的角色, 防御部队需要一种有效的反坦克武器. 十大正规博彩网站评级NLAW 该系统具有便携性和火力,需要在其轨道上停止坦克.
